Tuesday, July 24, 2012

change in plans

All year we promised TL that he could go to Boy Scout camp up in WA with his old troop.  Yes, the new troop was that bad.  Bad leadership, awful boys, and bullying.....I've never been so glad to be outta somewhere in my life.  We paid for camp and then the brilliant idea of buying a house and all the came about.  We thought of flying him up there.  Tickets are ridiculous.  It costs less for us to drive him up there.  So that's what we're going to do.  From there we head to IA to stay with some family until we close on the house.

This means we leave next Wednesday!!!  arrrghhh!!  Lots to do, little time.  I'll be hit and miss until then!

1 comment :

  1. Wow! So, I guess you'll hang out up there until the camp week is over?

    I totally get what you are saying about Scout Troops. They are not at all the same everywhere. We've been driving across town for our Troop for years and people don't get it when there are other troops closer to us. But it is worth it when you find a group that is excellent.

    Soon enough, you will be settled in and this crazy busy summer will be behind you.


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