Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Remember to write things down.....

Remember when we were growing up? Journals and diaries everywhere. Locked, unlocked. Pink, blue, striped, flowers, polka dots, sports-all different kinds.

Today, we don't see them quite as often as we used to. They have been taken over by computers. Much quicker to type it in then sit down and write it. Written letters are getting harder and harder to find. I usually get one a year from my aunt, and she just passed away.

With her passing, we found letters, papers, and all kinds of wonderful family treasures. I wonder if we keep looking, if we'll find diaries and even more letters stashed away. The house she lived in, her grandfather built.

Remember to write often. Write down things going on, prayers, memories; these are valued treasured not to be forgotten but cherished.

I will be posting during the CHRISTmas break my genealogy study. I pray that you and your family will use it and try to research some of your family history also!!

Have a wonderful and blessed week!


  1. I had the pleasure of reading a diary of a great aunt from early in the 20th century. It was a fascinating read. Now we blog. Same process through a different medium.

  2. I miss letter writing! A couple years ago after reading Pride and Prejudice again with all of the beautiful hand-written letters therein, I vowed to revive the art of letter writing. Haven't done so well on that front, but I think it is such a beautiful art form!

  3. I'm using blurb to make my blog into a book.


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