So, here's the layout for our school year. We'll be starting after Labor Day. Still to busy here to start anytime before then and its hard to start earlier when the kids are all playing outside your school room windows.
8:00-8:30 Bible
Explorer’s Bible Study
8:30-9:15 Writing/Spelling
TL -Teaching Writing Structure and Style
-Sequential Spelling
Girls -Prompt, Plan, and Write-Grades 2 & 3
-All About Spelling
9:15-9:30 Break-snack and read aloud
9:30-10:00 Grammer-MWF and Spanish TTh
TL -Growing with Grammer
Girls -Simply Grammer
10:00-10:30 Geography
TL -Trail Guide to World Geography
Girls -Galloping the Globe
-Daily Geography Practice grades 2 & 3
10:30-11:30 Reading
TL -Wordly Wise
-Library Skills
-Novels: How to Eat Fried Worms, The Twenty-One Balloons,
A Wrinkle in Time, The Phantom Tollbooth, Mrs. Frisby and the
Rats of Nimh, Cricket in Times Square-others will be added
Girls -Finish Sing, Spell, Read, and Write and then BJUP Grade 2&3
-Library Skills
-Phonics-Explode the Code
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Math
TL -Saxon Math
Girls -Abeka Grades 2 & 3
1:30-3:00 History or Science
History: American Indians, Explorers and then starting history in the
17th century using All Through the Ages and Truthquest
Science: Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space
3:00-3:30 Silent Reading
3:30-4:00 Chores
History and Science will each be two days a week. Wednesday’s schedule will change a half hour starting with the elimination of grammer. History and Science will not be done that day as it will be either a library day or an art day.
Read alouds:
We will do some together and some separately. I have planned Witch at Blackbird Pond and The Christmas Carol as together for right now. I will read the Betsy books and Betsy-Tacy books to the girls. TL and I will work on The Hobbit and The Wind of the Willows.