Its December sixth. The cards are purchased (not addressed or mailed), most of the shopping and wrapping is done, the tree is up.....but that is absolutely all that is done. I have boxes of decorations that the kids want to put up, hopefully we will get that done tomorrow.
I found myself struggling trying to homeschool and go to college full time so I made a few changes. I'm getting up a little earlier to try to get some of my reading done before I start their school day and I changed some of our curriculum. As a history major, I love to design my own curriculum for the kids but it was seriously falling through the cracks. They hadn't done history in about four weeks so I brought down and purchased a curriculum for them. Not how I like to do it, but it will work for this year and next. I just can't juggle it all.
It doesn't help that with popcorn sales in Boy Scouts, I've been really busy with that and thanfully this is my last year being the treasurer. I'm done. TL has one more year of scouts and I'll have volunteered for ten years on scouts. The girls need me with their American Heritage Girls program so that will by my focus. Christmas program practices have kept us busy also. I'm hoping to spend more time with the kids but it seems like all I do is housework, laundry, homework, and homeschooling. We've gotten off of our chore chart schedule so I'm making sure that we get back on track this week. I'm planning on taking May off this next year (I have two classes right now that end in February and will take one eight week class in March through April). I'll have five classes after that and will hopefully be done by April of the prize is in sight. I just have to stay focused and pray alot. I've been losing my patience with the kids when they interrupt me doing homework. My other problem is that the little ones need to have a more structured bedtime. If I get them in bed at a set hour every night I'll be able to do some homework then and not be too exhausted. Unfortunately, as I get older, I'm finding late study nights are not my thing. I'd rather go to bed and sleep a good eight hours.
I'm off to bed for now. Early day tomorrow with Sunday school. Have a blessed weekend everyone!